Currently i have a macro that will run any number of other macros on all the
files in any number of folders.
Now, i have the user input how many macros to run, and how many folders.
For the amount of macros and folders, i have the user input the folder paths
and the macro names.
The paths and names are exported to a text file on a network drive that i
created for these types of output cases where i need to store and retrieve
Well, the company that i work with wants to make my macros a company wide
deal. The problem i ran into is that if people run the same macro at the same
time, the log file person a is using, get's deleted when person b tries to
use it.
Following is a part of my code...
This part i use to create the files...
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set tLog = f.Createtextfile("Y:\ryan\vb\folderlist.txt", True)
Set mLog = f.Createtextfile("Y:\ryan\vb\macrolist.txt", True)
Here is part of my code that gets the inputs and writes it to the file
nfolders = InputBox(prompt:="How many folders do you want to run macro
If Len(nfolders) = 0 Then Exit Sub
For y = 1 To nfolders
If nfolders = 1 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the folder's path.")
ElseIf y = nfolders Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the last folder's path.")
ElseIf y = 1 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the 1st folder's path.")
ElseIf y = 2 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the 2nd folder's path.")
ElseIf y = 3 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the 3rd folder's path.")
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the " & y & "th folder's path.")
End If
If Len(path) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You hit cancel or didn't put anything in.")
Exit Sub
End If
tLog.writeline (path)
Next y
after all this i do...
tLog = "Y:\ryan\vb\folderlist.txt"
Open tLog For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Now, to solve this i'm going to change the program to create the txt file at
C:\ and then what i want it to do is erase it when the program is
finished.... how can i do this?
files in any number of folders.
Now, i have the user input how many macros to run, and how many folders.
For the amount of macros and folders, i have the user input the folder paths
and the macro names.
The paths and names are exported to a text file on a network drive that i
created for these types of output cases where i need to store and retrieve
Well, the company that i work with wants to make my macros a company wide
deal. The problem i ran into is that if people run the same macro at the same
time, the log file person a is using, get's deleted when person b tries to
use it.
Following is a part of my code...
This part i use to create the files...
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set tLog = f.Createtextfile("Y:\ryan\vb\folderlist.txt", True)
Set mLog = f.Createtextfile("Y:\ryan\vb\macrolist.txt", True)
Here is part of my code that gets the inputs and writes it to the file
nfolders = InputBox(prompt:="How many folders do you want to run macro
If Len(nfolders) = 0 Then Exit Sub
For y = 1 To nfolders
If nfolders = 1 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the folder's path.")
ElseIf y = nfolders Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the last folder's path.")
ElseIf y = 1 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the 1st folder's path.")
ElseIf y = 2 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the 2nd folder's path.")
ElseIf y = 3 Then
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the 3rd folder's path.")
path = InputBox(prompt:="Input the " & y & "th folder's path.")
End If
If Len(path) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You hit cancel or didn't put anything in.")
Exit Sub
End If
tLog.writeline (path)
Next y
after all this i do...
tLog = "Y:\ryan\vb\folderlist.txt"
Open tLog For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Now, to solve this i'm going to change the program to create the txt file at
C:\ and then what i want it to do is erase it when the program is
finished.... how can i do this?