Help With Time Formats When Doing A Mail Merge PLEASE



Anyone who can help me I would appreciate it!
If I have an excel file or access database file that I am using as a
data source when doing a mail merge, how come the time format changes
in them? Example: I have a column of appointment times in the short
time format (5:00 PM) for example. It appears this way in both access
and excel. But when I merge that field into a documnet using Word mail
merge, the field ends up displaying as 5:00:00 PM - the "seconds"
indicator gets added in. Does anyone know how to fix this???
Thank you.


I have a similar question: When merging DATES (eg. 23/12/05) from Access or
Excel to Word in a mail merge, it automatically changes it to US format and I
cannot find a way to keep it in the format I need.

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