Help With Total of Values Please


Paul Black

Hi Everybody,

I Have the Following Macro which Produces a List of 7 Totals.
Rather than Using …

ActiveCell.Offset(7, 0).Value = nType(1) + nType(2) + nType(3) +
nType(4) _
+ nType(5) + nType(6) + nType(7)

… to Calculate the Grand Total, is there an Easier VB Solution Rather
than to Use an Excel Formula in the Code Please.

The Macro I am Using is :-

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Sub Produce_Totals()
Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim D As Integer
Dim E As Integer
Dim F As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim nType(7) As Double

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For I = 1 To 7
nType(I) = 0
Next I

For A = 1 To 25
For B = A + 1 To 26
For C = B + 1 To 27
For D = C + 1 To 28
For E = D + 1 To 29
For F = E + 1 To 30

If F - A >= 10 And F - A <= 12 Then nType(1) = nType(1) + 1
If F - A >= 13 And F - A <= 16 Then nType(2) = nType(2) + 1
If F - A >= 17 And F - A <= 19 Then nType(3) = nType(3) + 1
If F - A >= 20 And F - A <= 21 Then nType(4) = nType(4) + 1
If F - A >= 22 And F - A <= 24 Then nType(5) = nType(5) + 1
If F - A >= 25 And F - A <= 27 Then nType(6) = nType(6) + 1
If F - A >= 28 And F - A <= 30 Then nType(7) = nType(7) + 1

Next F
Next E
Next D
Next C
Next B
Next A

For I = 1 To 7
ActiveCell(I, 1).Value = nType(I)
' ActiveCell.Offset(7, 0).Value = nType(1) + nType(2) + nType(3) +
nType(4) _
+ nType(5) + nType(6) + nType(7)
Next I

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I have Tried Including Another Variable to Total them But without ANY
Success. I think I Might have Been Trying to Put it in the Wrong Place
or Something.
Any Help will be Appreciated.

Thanks in Advance
All the Best

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Bob Phillips


Do you mean

For I = 1 To 7
myVal = nType(1) + nType(2) + nType(3) + nType(4) + _
nType(5) + nType(6) + nType(7)
Next I
ActiveCell.Offset(7, 0).Value = myVal



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Paul Black

Thanks for the Reply Bob,

Basically, I want the Grand Total of the 7 Values ( this could Easily be
20 or 30 Values though ) Directly Under the Last Value Produced.
Is there an Easier way to Achieve this Rather than having a Long List of
nType(1) + nType(2) to Possibly + nType(30) Please.

Thanks Again.
All the Best

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Bob Phillips


Try this instead then. It assumes that the activecell is in the target
column, row doesn't matter

Dim cLastRow
With ActiveCell
cLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, .Column).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(cLastRow + 1, .Column).Value = Application.Sum(Cells(1,
..Column).Resize(cLastRow, 1))
End With



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Tom Ogilvy

Just change my original solution

For I = 1 To 7
Cells(I, 1).Value = nType(I)
Next I
Range("A8").Formula = "=Sum(A1:A7)"
End Sub


For I = 1 To 7
Cells(I, 1).Value = nType(I)
Next I
Range("A8").Formula = "=Sum(A1:A7)"
Range("A8").Formula = Range("a8").Value
End Sub

If you want it to be dynamic for rows (where 7 would be a variable perhaps)
For I = 1 To 7
Cells(I, 1).Value = nType(I)
Next I
Cells(1,1).End(xldown)(2).Value = Application.Sum(Range( _
End Sub

Paul Black

Hi Tom,

You said that I could use ...

For I = 1 To 7
Cells(I, 1).Value = nType(I)
Next I
Cells(1,1).End(xldown)(2).Value = Application.Sum(Range( _
End Sub

... Dynamically Using a Variable.
Does this Mean that I would NOT have to Set the Number of Values to be
Produced Using Dim nType(7) As Double and For I = 1 To 7.
Would it Mean that it would Work Regardless of the Number of Values
Produced and Still Put the Total in the Cell Immediately Under the Last
Would it be Possible for you Please to Show me Exactly how this would be

Thanks for your Help.
All the Best

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Tom Ogilvy

Is this what you mean:

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Sub Produce_Totals()
Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim D As Integer
Dim E As Integer
Dim F As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim ub as Long
' make nType as dynamic array
Dim nType() As Double

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' use some algorithm to calculate the upper
' bound of the array. for demo, I just
' set it to 7
ub = 7
Redim nType(1 to ub)

For I = 1 To ub
nType(I) = 0
Next I

' an algorithm that populates nType()

For I = 1 To ub
ActiveCell(I, 1).Value = nType(I)
Next I

Cells(1,1).End(xldown)(2).Value = Application.Sum(Range( _

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

If you can't tell the upperbound of the array until after your main
algorithm runs, then you can initially dimension it to the highest number
possible, then resize it after if necessary

ub = 100
Redim ntype(1 to ub)

' main algorithm including setting ub to some other number

Redim Preserve ntype(1 to ub)

for i = 1 to ub
cells(i,1).value = ntype(1 to ub)

Paul Black

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the Help.
I Ran your First Example and it Produced the Correct Results for the
Totals, But gave me a Runtime Error '1004'. I think this was Because it
could NOT Produce the Grand Total.

Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown)(2).Value = Application.Sum(Range( _
Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown)))

I will NOT Know the UpperBound of the Results in Most Cases, so I will
Find out how the UpperBound and ReSize Works and then try and Implement
that into your Second Example.

Thanks Again for your Help.
All the Best

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