So i am trying to do a division, by taking a value from a drop down field and
using it within an expression field in a formula ...
(substring(my:field1, 0, 4)/(12))..so I am extracting the first 4 characters
of the string which is a number such as 1.0 and diving that by 12. It gives
me the following error :
Node Test Expected.
I understand this might be due to the fact that I am taking a
string(although its a number) and diving that by a number?
Your assisstance is much appreciated.
using it within an expression field in a formula ...
(substring(my:field1, 0, 4)/(12))..so I am extracting the first 4 characters
of the string which is a number such as 1.0 and diving that by 12. It gives
me the following error :
Node Test Expected.
I understand this might be due to the fact that I am taking a
string(although its a number) and diving that by a number?
Your assisstance is much appreciated.