I am currently trying to work out a code which would sum up previous rows
upon reaching each row containing 'zzzz' in a column which contain some
numbers followed by a "zzzz" where the total of the numbers appears above
should be inserted.
i have defined first and last row containing the numbers and the "zzzz'
the code I have been trying to work out is as follows
For I = FirstRow To FinalRow
Range("H" & I).Select
If CELL("contents", "H" & I)= "zzzz" _
Then ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= sum ("H"& sumstart ": H"& I)
End If
sumstart = I
Next I
I am new to VBA and cannot work my way through, so if someone can help me
Thankng you in advance
I am currently trying to work out a code which would sum up previous rows
upon reaching each row containing 'zzzz' in a column which contain some
numbers followed by a "zzzz" where the total of the numbers appears above
should be inserted.
i have defined first and last row containing the numbers and the "zzzz'
the code I have been trying to work out is as follows
For I = FirstRow To FinalRow
Range("H" & I).Select
If CELL("contents", "H" & I)= "zzzz" _
Then ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= sum ("H"& sumstart ": H"& I)
End If
sumstart = I
Next I
I am new to VBA and cannot work my way through, so if someone can help me
Thankng you in advance