Help with workbook updates



Good day. I am using Excel 2002 on Windows XP Pro. I consider myself to be
an above average user as I have created several worksheets to manage the
production costs of my ice cream store. I need some expert help.

I have created a costs worksheet to accept my raw materials costs from
QuickBooks and have added some columns to break the costs down into
individual piece costs. I then created one worksheet per product item in my
store to track the cost of production. EX: Small Cone, Large Cone, Shake,
etc.. Each of the product cost worksheets uses the piece cost from the costs
worksheet. I then created a worksheet to manage the selling price. This
worksheet looks at the product cost, multiplies the cost by a known markup,
adds sales tax and provides me with a suggested selling price.

At this point all is working with the exception of the price management
worksheet. Since my QuickBooks costs change almost weekly, it is necessary
to update the costs worksheet often. This in turn changes the product costs.
Now that I am in the middle of adjusting my selling prices due to recent
cost changes, I find that the product cost cell in the price management
worksheet is not being updated from the product cost worksheet unless I open
the product cost worksheet and update the links to the costs worksheet. I
seem to remember reading something about this in the past, so it is no

All of the product cost worksheets are in one single folder. Is there a way
to run a macro or a subroutine to open, update and close each of the product
cost worksheets without having to do it manually? With all of the miracles
that Excel performs, there must be a way to do this.

Any help is deeply appreciated. If more details are needed, please feel
free to contact me directly via email at (e-mail address removed)

I will be happy to respond and I will not pester you with questions later.

Thanks, Danno...

Bob Tarburton

Have you tried using Data/Import External Data instead of links?
Then just record a simple macro to update external data.


Good day Bob. Thank you for responding to my request. I have never used
Data/Import External Data. It sounds very interesting and I will experiment
with it. It may be answer to a lot more problems I am having too.

Thanks, Danno...

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