Help! Word 2008 ate my brain!



I have an application that I support that generates a CV using HTML
code that is then opened by Word and converted into a document. This
works well with 2003/2007 on the PC and Word 2004 on the
Mac...however, when CV document (still in HTML) is opened in Word 2008
the document loses all vertical spacing, i.e., 'margin-top 6.0pt'
etc., is totally ignored.

I tried this:
Create the HTML original file
Open in Word 2004, save as a document (formatting is present and looks
Open the document in Word 2008, formatting is still present.
Save the document 'as a web page' in Word 2008.
View changes but formatting is still present.
Close the document/web page.
Open the document...all vertical formatting is gone; however, the
formatting code is still present in the html file, it is simply

Does anyone have a clue? This is driving me nutz!!

Thank you!

John McGhie

Check in the style definitions for "Don't add spacing between paragraphs of
the same style". If it's on, turn it off :)

I have an application that I support that generates a CV using HTML
code that is then opened by Word and converted into a document. This
works well with 2003/2007 on the PC and Word 2004 on the
Mac...however, when CV document (still in HTML) is opened in Word 2008
the document loses all vertical spacing, i.e., 'margin-top 6.0pt'
etc., is totally ignored.

I tried this:
Create the HTML original file
Open in Word 2004, save as a document (formatting is present and looks
Open the document in Word 2008, formatting is still present.
Save the document 'as a web page' in Word 2008.
View changes but formatting is still present.
Close the document/web page.
Open the document...all vertical formatting is gone; however, the
formatting code is still present in the html file, it is simply

Does anyone have a clue? This is driving me nutz!!

Thank you!

This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Check in the style definitions for "Don't add spacing between paragraphs of
the same style".  If it's on, turn it off :)

This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected] Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks John!

I took a look and found that Word evidently recognizes the various
HTML tags i.e., "marginonehalfinch" is a style, along with normal and
body text, etc. For all of these the box "keep together" is

Anything else to try?

I re-read my explanation and hopefully can clarify the salient point:
1) An HTML file opened in Word 2003 (PC) or Word 2004 (Mac) displays
the space before and space after as coded and can save that to a Word
DOC file for later use on any platform.
2) The same HTML file opened in Word 2008 (Mac) loses the vertical
space before and space after but does keep the left and right margin

Further testing: I took the same DOC file saved in (1) and opened it
in Word 2008 and the vertical formatting was fine. I then saved the
file while in Word as an HTML document type to see if perhaps the HTML
code from the original HTML file was different. After the save the
spacing remained fine and unchanged; however, upon closing and
reopening the file the vertical spacing was lost.

I'm suspecting it's a Word issue and not HTML code.

If you could even suggest keywords to search on I'd appreciate it



John McGhie

Hi Richard:

In Word, all formatting is a style. There is no other kind. If you apply
local overrides to a paragraph, Word must enter the changes in the
formatting table (the document's internal CSS) and give it a style name.

This has nothing to do with the "Keep together" box. There is a box
labelled "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style." That's the
one that I think is doing it: it is a command available in Word 2008 that
was not available in the earlier versions.

Go through Format>Style>... Choose the style and then click
Modify>Paragraph... And you will see it.


Thanks John!

I took a look and found that Word evidently recognizes the various
HTML tags i.e., "marginonehalfinch" is a style, along with normal and
body text, etc. For all of these the box "keep together" is

Anything else to try?

I re-read my explanation and hopefully can clarify the salient point:
1) An HTML file opened in Word 2003 (PC) or Word 2004 (Mac) displays
the space before and space after as coded and can save that to a Word
DOC file for later use on any platform.
2) The same HTML file opened in Word 2008 (Mac) loses the vertical
space before and space after but does keep the left and right margin

Further testing: I took the same DOC file saved in (1) and opened it
in Word 2008 and the vertical formatting was fine. I then saved the
file while in Word as an HTML document type to see if perhaps the HTML
code from the original HTML file was different. After the save the
spacing remained fine and unchanged; however, upon closing and
reopening the file the vertical spacing was lost.

I'm suspecting it's a Word issue and not HTML code.

If you could even suggest keywords to search on I'd appreciate it



This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Hi Richard:

In Word, all formatting is a style. There is no other kind. If you apply
local overrides to a paragraph, Word must enter the changes in the
formatting table (the document's internal CSS) and give it a style name.

This has nothing to do with the "Keep together" box. There is a box
labelled "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style." That's the
one that I think is doing it: it is a command available in Word 2008 that
was not available in the earlier versions.

Go through Format>Style>... Choose the style and then click
Modify>Paragraph... And you will see it.


On 21/09/09 4:06 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Richard"

Thank you John!

Ok...I have the 'damaged' document open...on the Word menu
bar...Format...Style window opens- interestingly the 'Description'
area lists horizontal spacing, i.e., "Normal + Font: Arial, indent:
Left: 1.5" but no mention of the 'margin-top=6.0pt"...<Ok, I looked at
this in Word 2004 and there's no mention of spacing before there
either so it's a non-issue>

Select one of the listed styles from the HTML doc, e.g.,
onhalfinchmargin, quartermargin, then click "modify" button (no modify
paragraph available)...
the Modify Style window opens- there is no modify paragraph or 'Keep
lines together' In this window, however, if I click the 'Format'
selection box in the lower left corner I can select Paragraph there.
Doing so opens...

'Paragraph' window with the choices "Indents and Spacing" and "Line
and Page Breaks" available. In the I&S view the box "Don't add space
between paras of the same style" is not checked and in the L&PB view
only "Widow/Orphan control" is checked.

As an example for the onehalfinchmargin style, the Indentation window
has the correct values but the Spacing window only has .01 line before
and after which is in error.

Using Word 2004 the Indents and Spacing show Before: 0 pt and After: 6
pt which is correct.

Word 2008 cannot evidently read it's own HTML code to determine
spacing which seems like a pretty serious bug (not feature <g>).

**** the Formatting Area of the Modify Style window
there is the spacing increase and decrease buttons

John McGhie

Hi Richard:

You are correct: this is "interesting" :)

Would you care to flip me a copy of the bad document.

It would not be the first time Word 2008 can't read its own handwriting, but
assuming you have applied Service Pack 12.2.0 the instances of this should
be very rare!

Send me a sample and I'll pitch it at the developers with your love :)



Thank you John!

Ok...I have the 'damaged' document open...on the Word menu
bar...Format...Style window opens- interestingly the 'Description'
area lists horizontal spacing, i.e., "Normal + Font: Arial, indent:
Left: 1.5" but no mention of the 'margin-top=6.0pt"...<Ok, I looked at
this in Word 2004 and there's no mention of spacing before there
either so it's a non-issue>

Select one of the listed styles from the HTML doc, e.g.,
onhalfinchmargin, quartermargin, then click "modify" button (no modify
paragraph available)...
the Modify Style window opens- there is no modify paragraph or 'Keep
lines together' In this window, however, if I click the 'Format'
selection box in the lower left corner I can select Paragraph there.
Doing so opens...

'Paragraph' window with the choices "Indents and Spacing" and "Line
and Page Breaks" available. In the I&S view the box "Don't add space
between paras of the same style" is not checked and in the L&PB view
only "Widow/Orphan control" is checked.

As an example for the onehalfinchmargin style, the Indentation window
has the correct values but the Spacing window only has .01 line before
and after which is in error.

Using Word 2004 the Indents and Spacing show Before: 0 pt and After: 6
pt which is correct.

Word 2008 cannot evidently read it's own HTML code to determine
spacing which seems like a pretty serious bug (not feature <g>).

**** the Formatting Area of the Modify Style window
there is the spacing increase and decrease buttons

This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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