Help working with recordsets and append queries


Joe Miller

I'm relatively new to VBA coding and am wondering if someone can help me with
the methodology required in the following problem. I want to automate the
AfterUpdate event of a control on a form to add a number of records to a

I have a form with a control to allow the user to enter a date. Once that
date is entered, I want VBA to automatically add one record to Table2 for
each of the records in Table1 (with whom it shares a one to many
relationship) with the date in the control being automatically entered into a
field for each of the newly created records.

To make matters more complicated, I then want to repeat this process for the
four consecutive dates after the date entered by the user, without requiring
the user to enter those dates.

i appreciate I am being vague, but if anyone can help me with the structure
my code should take I'd be most appreciative!


ErezM via

paste that code in the afterupdate event

Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset, rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer

rs1.Open "Table1", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly,
rs2.Open "Table2", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While Not rs1.EOF
For i = 0 To 4
rs2!field1 = Something (or maybe rs1!field1)
rs2!Field2 = SomethingElse (or maybe rs1!field2)
rs2!Field3 = DateAdd("d", i, TheDateTextboxOnTheForm)
Next i
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set rs1 = Nothing

you might need to add a reference to Microsoft activeX data object (ADO) of
some version (2-2.6 depending on the jet version you have) if you dont have

i beleive it's better to do this kind of automation after a button click
(afterupdate can happen by mistake and will lead to unwanted records being

and, pay attention that the code above adds 5 new records to table2 for each
record in table1 - hope that's what you wanted

goof luck

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