Help writing an IF function



I need to write an IF function to determine the social
sec. tax in cell G4

if social sec. tax * Gross pay + YTD Soc. sec. > Maximum
Soc. Sec., then Mazimum Soc. Sec. _ YTD soc. Sec.,
otherwise Soc. Sec. Tax * Gross Pay

I am completely lost on this one. I started it and
didn't know how or what to enter for Maximum Soc. Sec.

=IF (G4*D4+E4)> this is where I am stuck. Can someone
tell me how to do this.
Thanks Cleta

Nick Hodge


You can either enter a value or a cell reference that holds the value. The
latter is preferable as it may change and then you change it once.

=IF((G4*(D4+E4))>$A$1,Do this, else do this)

The value goes in cell A1 or where ever else you want it. The $ make it
always refer to that cell

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