

Derek Jones

We're currently running Outlook XP on a Windows 2000
Exchange Server. We have our computer systems set up so
that when you start up your computer in the morning and
log in, all you have to do is double-click the Outlook
icon on the desktop and you're in your e-mail. Well, this
morning, I started my computer and logged in as usual.
However, when I double-clicked the Outlook icon, it asked
for my username, password, and domain. I entered the
appropriate information in the blanks and clicked OK, but
got a message saying the information was incorrect. I
tried again, same thing. What's strange is that I'm still
logged into our domain, because I have access to our
network drives and I can get my e-mail using the Web
Access feature. I can also use Outlook client on another
PC that I have in my office. However, for some strange
reason, I can't get into Outlook client on this machine.
About seven other people on our campus (including one of
our VPs) are in this same situation.

For possible solutions, we've tried:

Uninstalling/reinstalling Outlook
Uninstalling/reinstalling Office
Installing the latest Critical Security Patch
Ran through Windows Update
Doing a McAfee Virus Scan (version 7)
Uninstalling Outlook, taking everything Outlook-related
out of the registry, and reinstalling Outlook
Detaching from our domain and then reattaching to our
domain (hit a snag there, error came up saying RPC server
is unavailable)

None of these worked. My coworker is almost convinced that
the blaster worm is causing this mess. Has anyone else
out there encountered these problems today? If so, did
you find a solution. We need one ASAP. Thanks.

Derek Jones
Software Support Specialist
Shenandoah University
Winchester, VA

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