



I have two work sheets that have some releases on one sheet in
column (F) that mark Total Available.

The other work sheet that mark Commitments have a validation list that
mark Head / Sub - Head Item / Sub - Item in column (F)

The validation listings are difference listing under.

In the Commitment work sheet when I put in the amount under Value of
Invoice Order

and click a listing in the validation list it must reduce the amount
under the difference releases.

(E.g let say that I had $50,109.62 dollar balance under upkeep in the
releases column and I buy some cups that cost $109.62 when I put in
the cost under Head / Sub - Head Item / Sub – Item and click
validation 22/02/010/14 the balance should be $50.000.00 in the upkeep
in the releases column balance. Attached is the work sheet.)

File Attached: (

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