


The 2007 help without any structure and searching everything is essentially
useless. I never can find an answer, because unless i know the answer i
don't know what to search for.

And the same goes for the forum - drowning in irrelevant results to every

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Bill Dilworth

Hi again H,

I know the feeling. However, from the other side of trying to write a help
or two for my projects, I also see how difficult it is.

Do you know how many "little clicky things" there are in PowerPoint? It
would be silly to ask help to find results based on that. So help has to
know what you are asking about before it can tell you about what you are
asking about. Catch-22.

However, I see by your next post that you found how to ask a question in the
news group. You will have much better luck here, since we can ask follow up
questions to better define a problem when needed.

Bill Dilworth


Thanks for the reply, and I get it.

But even a simple part of help structured by commands would be helpful.
Unfortunately so many things are named so specifically that a seacrh mode is
tough. And so many of the results don't even seem to have any of the words
from the search in the results.

Oh well maybe I'll ask John Yossarian next time. :)



Schrodingers help?

The help is simultaneuosly entirely useful and entirely not, but won't know
until we open the 'box'.

(at which point unfortunately it's usually dead from exposure to hundreds of
factoid particles)

OK, I'll disentagle from this griping now.



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