


1. How would you make a query that allows users to enter a letter or a few
letters and selects all Customers Last Name that have those letters ANYWHERE
in the name?
2. How would you make a query that displays dates like this May 2-10 and
June 2-10 using the Between Operator?



1. How would you make a query that allows users to enter a letter or a few
letters and selects all Customers Last Name that have those letters ANYWHERE
in the name?
2. How would you make a query that displays dates like this May 2-10 and
June 2-10 using the Between Operator?


one question at a time... works better that way...
1. Are you looking or a string inside the name? Like "pha" in
"alphabet"? or "p*h*a" in "Philadelphia"?

Sounds like you're looking for LIKE

SELECT Fname, LName
FROM SomeTable
WHERE LName LIKE "*pha*";

if that doesn't do it, try posting an example field value (or a few...
enough for everyone to get an idea of what you mean).


Marshall Barton

Puck said:
1. How would you make a query that allows users to enter a letter or a few
letters and selects all Customers Last Name that have those letters ANYWHERE
in the name?
2. How would you make a query that displays dates like this May 2-10 and
June 2-10 using the Between Operator?

Use a criteria something like this:
Like "*" & [Enter a few letters] & "*"

You want dates without concerns for the year??? Try using a
calculated field with an expression like this
Month(dt) In (5,6) And Day(dt) Between 2 And 10
and set its criteria to True

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