1 - Search your hard drive for system.mdw. It's probably stored at C:\
Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Access\system.mdw
2 - Open Access (not a db file, just Access)
3 - Tools > Security > Workgroup administrator
4 - Push the "join" button
5 - Browse to your system.mdw file you located in your search
6 - Push the ok button (3 times to accept each message)
7 - Close Access
Now you shouldn't be prompted for user name and password when opening dbs
unless you accidentally added a password to the admin user in the default
workgroup. (In that case, remove the admin's password, it's not doing you
any good. You would need to secure the db with a custom workgroup, not the
default workgroup.)
Test this by opening an unsecured db.
For each secured db, make a shortcut and put the paths to msaccess.exe, your
db file, the workgroup switch and the workgroup file in the shortcut's target.
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to db.mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure.mdw"
Whenever you want to open an unsecure db, you double click the file name in
Windows Explorer and it opens. Whenever you want to open a secure db, you
double click the shortcut to it (so you temporarily join the secure workgroup
for your session), and you'll be prompted for user name and password.