



Hey there! I am very new to excel but i have a question that you woul
think was simple to solve but for somereason seems very complicated...
I need to know how to multiply colums, thats all -- that is, not jus
single values but lets say there are two colums A and B and a thir

Basically i need the Numbers in C to be the product of the numbers in
and B.

ie, c1=a1Xb1, c2= a2Xb2 etc... down the entire colum so that i
automatically calculates this product in the c colum after i add the
and B values. How do i do this?????? I am enetering a lot of dat
thaty all go by the same simply multiplication but i dont want to hav
to write a forumula for every line. Help!!!


Gord Dibben


In C1 enter =A1*B1

Hover the mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of C1. You will get a
black cross and a fill handle(black square).

Click on this and drag down Column C as far as you want. The formula in C1
wil be incremented as A2*B2, A3*B3 etc.

If there is no data in A and B then C will show a zero.

If you don't like zeros you could enter the formula in C1 as

=IF(OR(A1="",B1=""),"",A1*B1) and drag/copy down as above.

C1 will remain blank until both A and B are filled.

Gord Dibben XL2002

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