


I am working on an accounting spreadsheet (income statement to be exact). I
need to put a little asterix or numbers (1 2 3) behind several of values in
the cells indicating that there is a footnote on the bottom. Now if I just
put * it assumes that it will be multiplying so does anyone know how to do
this…. I’ve never done it before in Excel so I am just stuck right now…

Also, is there a way to display brackets ( ) around a number indicating that
it will be subtracted without making the number negative? Again this is for
an income statement… Thanks

Gary''s Student

For the second part:

Format > Cells... > Number > Accounting
gets you brackets around negative values

Format > Cells... > Number > Custom > General"*"
get you a star!


When I go to Format > Cells... > Number > Accounting it only asks for symbol
and decimal places...? I am not sure what to do once I'm there? Help
again...please :)

And ont he other one Format > Cells... > Number > Custom > General"*",,,
when I click General it only takes away the format I have on the curent
value... ?

Peo Sjoblom

Use an extra column or insert a comment, if you put an asterisk there it
will be text.



Peo Sjoblom



for the first call my sugestion is to insert a thin column in the left or
right side of your numbers and enter (1,2,3,...) for the figurs that have note
and for the second call go to formatcells> numbers> costom and choos for
example #,##.0 and edit it by putting brackets like (#,##.00) in the type
text box

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