helping to reduce Swen onslaught



I realize nobody is posting these viral messages on purpose. And I do hope
that those who do, notice that they've done so and take the apropriate
action to clean their system. They ought to go to and get the
stuff for the SWEN virus. There's a checker to see if you are infected and
then something to clean the system. It may be complicated to do so, but it
must be done.

Although not infected, I was hit with tens of thousands of these d***
messges in the last week, if fact my hosting service threw me off their box
until I could prove I wasn't the source of the flood. I guess I'm now
considered a s*** magnet at their place<weak G>

anyway, for those who do not know, it seems that many of the recipents of
these messages came to the notice of the virus by posting on newsgroups and
not practicing safe newsgroup behavior. i.e. their real email address shows
up, ready to harvest and zamm! You can become a s*** magnet too! It's easy!

to solve this, to alter your posting email address--using Outlook Express as
your newsreader--go to Tools > accounts. Select the news server (msnews.xxxx
in the present instance) and on the general tab change your email address.
Simplest way is to add something to the address such as
(e-mail address removed) instead of just (e-mail address removed). Anone wishing to
contact you via email will notice this (or should) and they can edit out the
extraneous words.

I knew, long before it bit me, that I should have done this. Just never got
a round tuit. The lesson was painful and expensive.

Please learn from my experience.



I too was hit, but just my email box, I will be much more
carefull about posting my email address period. The way
I solved this was to go to my isp service and put filters
at that point, before it got to my local machine. The
filters that seem to stop it best were, for filtering
out attached files using *.com *.bat *.spr *.exe.

So far I have avoided using the size filter.

-----Original Message-----
I realize nobody is posting these viral messages on purpose. And I do hope
that those who do, notice that they've done so and take the apropriate
action to clean their system. They ought to go to and get the
stuff for the SWEN virus. There's a checker to see if you are infected and
then something to clean the system. It may be complicated to do so, but it
must be done.

Although not infected, I was hit with tens of thousands of these d***
messges in the last week, if fact my hosting service threw me off their box
until I could prove I wasn't the source of the flood. I guess I'm now
considered a s*** magnet at their place<weak G>

anyway, for those who do not know, it seems that many of the recipents of
these messages came to the notice of the virus by posting on newsgroups and
not practicing safe newsgroup behavior. i.e. their real email address shows
up, ready to harvest and zamm! You can become a s*** magnet too! It's easy!

to solve this, to alter your posting email address-- using Outlook Express as
your newsreader--go to Tools > accounts. Select the news server (msnews.xxxx
in the present instance) and on the general tab change your email address.
Simplest way is to add something to the address such as
(e-mail address removed) instead of just
(e-mail address removed). Anone wishing to

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