Here's a shocker


Mike Labosh

Last night, I was hacking around in Access trying to export a huge txt file
for use with testing a project I'm working on in .NET / SQL Server. So I
was at home, working at my laptop, watching the matrix and getting kind of
drunk. That's probably why I can't reproduce this behavior... ;)

This morning when I got to work, I found a file in the same folder where I
had exported my text file. I don't know how Access made this, and I've
never even heard of this, but it looks like an execution plan (similar to
SQL Server Query Analyzer Execution Plan) generated while I was in the
Import / Export wizard. Any thoughts?

showplan.out file:

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=1"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=2"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=2"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=10"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=11"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=15"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=3"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=17"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"
02) Select into 'software msm 1252 isoalpha2code 20041025#txt'

Sylvain Lafontaine

Yes, they are options in the ODBC and OLEDB provider to create this
showplan. Which provider, wizard or procedure did you follow to export your
text file?

For an exemple with Jet, take a look at:

S. L.

Mike Labosh said:
Last night, I was hacking around in Access trying to export a huge txt
file for use with testing a project I'm working on in .NET / SQL Server.
So I was at home, working at my laptop, watching the matrix and getting
kind of drunk. That's probably why I can't reproduce this behavior... ;)

This morning when I got to work, I found a file in the same folder where I
had exported my text file. I don't know how Access made this, and I've
never even heard of this, but it looks like an execution plan (similar to
SQL Server Query Analyzer Execution Plan) generated while I was in the
Import / Export wizard. Any thoughts?

showplan.out file:

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=1"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=2"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=2"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=0"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=1"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=10"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=11"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=15"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using index 'PrimaryKey'
for expression "SpecID=3"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'msysimexspecs'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Sort table 'msysimexspecs'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=0"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'MSysImexColumns'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table MSysImexColumns
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Delete

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "specID=17"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using rushmore
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Sort result of '01)'

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'mx_TblImexCols'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table mx_TblImexCols
using index 'specID'
for expression "SpecID=17"
02) Delete

--- qselExportSoftware ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"

--- temp query ---

- Inputs to Query -
Table 'Software'
- End inputs to Query -

01) Restrict rows of table Software
by scanning
testing expression "Not IIf(Left$(Nz([Prod_name]),11)="1 =
Running",Right$(Nz([Prod_name]),Len(Nz([Prod_name]))-11),[Prod_name]) Is
Null And (Not Software.Contact_phone Is Null And (Not Software.Contact_job
Is Null And (Not Software.Customer_contact Is Null And (Not
Software.Customer_title Is Null And (Not Software.Op"
02) Select into 'software msm 1252 isoalpha2code 20041025#txt'

Peace & happy computing,

Mike Labosh, MCSD
"I have no choice but to believe in free will."

Mike Labosh

Yes, they are options in the ODBC and OLEDB provider to create this
showplan. Which provider, wizard or procedure did you follow to export
your text file?

For an exemple with Jet, take a look at:

I wasn't using any OLEDB or ODBC. Is was sitting in Access 2000,
right-clicked a query and hit export, and then wandered through the export

This is such an incredibly useful feature, I can't believe Microsoft didn't
publicize it better. I was an MCT for YEARS teaching VB & Access, and this
would have been a killer tip for my countless students!

One of the guys here is the Jedi Master of google and found this too:

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