Have to say, I LOVE this product even though its limitations are
frustrating. I keep trying other ones but keep coming back to
Entourage for its simplicty, colorful-ness and its easy, breezy,
intuitive design.
I've sent this feedback to them before but never hear back so
hopefully it got read. So here are my wishes for Entourage:
CRM capability
Phone list view with preview
Colored customizable contact flags in phone list view
The ability to drag your tasks into order (rather than just general
Multiple calendars in the same account
Custom calendar views that are still in calendar view rather than a
list view
The ability to share email between accounts without a server
more project management capabilities
Subfolders in project view, sub-projects
Features I really love:
The interface, the design
The easy integration of notes and other files into a project
The way you can color code everything and drag pictures into the
project page
The project center
Lots more but I have to get back to work!
frustrating. I keep trying other ones but keep coming back to
Entourage for its simplicty, colorful-ness and its easy, breezy,
intuitive design.
I've sent this feedback to them before but never hear back so
hopefully it got read. So here are my wishes for Entourage:
CRM capability
Phone list view with preview
Colored customizable contact flags in phone list view
The ability to drag your tasks into order (rather than just general
Multiple calendars in the same account
Custom calendar views that are still in calendar view rather than a
list view
The ability to share email between accounts without a server
more project management capabilities
Subfolders in project view, sub-projects
Features I really love:
The interface, the design
The easy integration of notes and other files into a project
The way you can color code everything and drag pictures into the
project page
The project center
Lots more but I have to get back to work!