Heyyy..I've lost my PPTools :-((


Jan Il

Hi all - PPT 2002 XP, Windows ME

I've lost my PPToolsV2. I have gone to the site and redownloaded and
reinstalled them, but, when I open PPT, I still can't see my PPTool bars.

I have tried everything I can think of, but, I just can't find them
anywhere. Are they set to self-destruct, go just get invisible if not used
after a certain period of time? I mean, duck tape, talking shoes,
walkie-talkie-wristy watches and other types of espionage thingies I can
understand very well. Shoo, they have all those things in the Batman
movies, but, invisible tool bars, this is new to me. Do I need to get some
3-D glasses or something so I can find them again?

Jan Il

Toolbars, kids, and teeth. All the same. Ignore them and they go away.

Well..you are almost right..but, you never knew my kids. They were
even bigger pests and more curious and determined than I am. In their
teens, I even offered to pay their expenses for an extended trip to ancient
Indian ruins in Outer Mongolia. Based on their Cherokee heritage, they
thought it would be really 'cool' YES!! Then they looked it up in Encarta.
Well...what can I say, Geography was never one of my best subjects
either.. ;-)

Windie :)

Brian Reilly, MS MVP

See Steve,
He does tech support on those things (vbg).
Try uninstalling them from the Control Panel and reinstalling them
again. If that doesn't work, as I said, that's the code Steve wrote.
But him.
Brian Reilly, PowerPoint MVP

Jan Il

See Steve,
He does tech support on those things (vbg).
Try uninstalling them from the Control Panel and reinstalling them
again. If that doesn't work, as I said, that's the code Steve wrote.
But him.
Brian Reilly, PowerPoint MVP

Hmm....yes...way to pass the buck Brian..as I did seem to notice you
were subtlety listed as associated with these tools too......ahem......
www.reillyand.com/ ;-)))

I'll try your suggestion for uninstalling and then reinstalling. And, no,
you may not consider yourself off the hook yet. :)

Thank you,

Jan :)

Jan Il

Hi Steve,
Check your security settings first - put 'em on low temporarily, at least to
see if that sorts it.
If not, shoot me an email at steve at-thingie steverindsberg flyspeck com
Also, in the folder where you installed 'em, you'll find a file called
Attach that to the email.

I can't find a file by the name PPTools.log in the C:\Program Files\R&R
folder where the files are. I did as Brian suggested and uninstalled the
records that showed up in the Add/Remove list.

I did read all the download and installation instructions from the PPTools
site, and I set the PPT Macros to Low before doing the new download and
installation. When I first tried to reinstall it caused my computer to shut
down. Then I had to do a Restore to two days ago to get it to come back
to life right. I did try another reinstall, but, it still does not show up
I open PPT. The file you want, PPTools.log, does not show up in the
program folder.
Nah, most people complain that they're too hard to get rid of, if

Well..then obviously they have not yet known the power of the
Force...;-)) (very deep voice sneering here)... :)

Echo S

Oooooh, didn't I suggest you delete your *.PCB file a few days ago?

Steve? That might have zapped something...


Jan Il

Hi Echo!
Oooooh, didn't I suggest you delete your *.PCB file a few days ago?

Steve? That might have zapped something...


Yeah, a couple of days ago, on 7/27/03, regarding an error
I was getting and then PPT shut down. ;-)

Mike M.

You know what they say, "sometimes the cure is worse than the disease." I
don't even know who "they" are.

Steve Rindsberg

This is at home, Steve. I have them here at work too, so
I just checked my folder here and see that I am missing
the .LOG and the Repair. files in my folder at home.
Obviously, some files and other whatsits are not being
installed. I did put my PPT macros to low, and disabled my
AV program. Saved the PPTools to the hard drive and then
installed from there. I think I did everything according
the web site instructions for installation.

I know I had the PPTools, because when I first opened PPT
after the upgrade to 2002 XP, they toolbars were sitting
in the middle of the screen and I had to move them to the
usual place I keep them on my toolbar alley. But, I went
to use the Hammer & nailit thingie and I could not find
them anywhere, or the others.

I also tried to add them in as an Add-In, but, the error
message said it could not load them.??

Let's not improvise, 'kay? One of the things the instrux are *very*
specific about is that you shouldn't do that.

IAC, let's take this to email.

Steve Rindsberg

Let's not improvise, 'kay? One of the things the instrux are *very*
Yep, that it did, and I did read that 'after' I went back to the PPTools
site to redownload the install file, after I had uninstalled the PPTools via
the Add-Remove programs as Brian suggested. At the time I made the error of
trying to add them in was when I first noticed them missing, and I just
didn't remember that...sorry. Glen may have company hanging out on that
limb covered in vegemite.. :)

OK. You're off the hook. THIS time. But watch it.
I wanted to wait until I got home before we went e-mail, it will be easier
since my home computer is where the issue is. I have your e-address.


Jan Il

"> You know what they say, "sometimes the cure is worse than the disease."
don't even know who "they" are.

Well...that seems to be the case for me lately. I do 'this' to solve one
problem, but, then it creates another somewhere else. Sheesh, I've been
like sun-dried laundry for the past few weeks, hanging out on various
newsgroups to try and solve all the various problems that have been
happening in so many areas since my Office 2002 XP upgrade. Windows ME, OE,
IE, various MS Office programs, etc.... But, what seems to solve a problem
in one area, only tends to create a problem in another. I never really know
what to expect every morning when I turn on my 'puter, what the heck I'm
gonna find. Talk about waking up in a whole new world every day! :)

Well..best I can tell from the info I've been able to glean here and there,
"they" are holed up in an Office Park somewhere on the northern West coast
area. If I ever find 'em, I'm gonna whack 'em a good one just for drill,

Jan Il

Hi Echo!
Oooooh, didn't I suggest you delete your *.PCB file a few days ago?

Sorry, forgot to mention, being the cautious pack rat I am, I did not
actually delete the .pcb file, I just renamed it to ._old I always do that
instead of,a delete, until I am sure all will work ok. Once I am sure all
is working as it should, then I delete it the _old file, but, not until I
back off a copy to a floppy....just in case. So, the original .pcb file is
still available if it will help, and all is not totally lost. ;-))

Jan Il

Okay..for those of you who may still be wondering, here how I found the
winning Megazoolie Trifacta ticket, after *numerous* losses. After
troubleshooting and uninstalling, then reinstalling, then overhauling, and
U-hauling almost non-stop, and finally grabbing a few hours sleep to clear
the cobwebs...I reread what Steve said in one message about installing 2002
to a separate folder, instead of just Upgrading. This was my response to
that message:

Well...that got me thinking. Yes...I know, normally this is not the best
thing for me to be allowed to do unsupervised, or, unrestrained..but....

I went back and ran the Setup for the Office 2002 XP installation... there
were two choices, UPGRADE..or Installation ..with a few choices...

Well...I decided to go for the gusto....what the petunia....if it didn't
work, I'd just chuck the dang SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), dissect
salvage my own copper from the innards, and then bury the stupid 'puter and
buy me a new one.

I selected Complete installation..then deselected all the Office programs
from the autodelete and then hit the 'Hooolllyyy Coowww!' button...chanted a
lot of Hail Mary's, Our Father's, Ohmssss', lit Black, White and Puce
candles, chased Guinea hens up and down the street, threw boxes of salt over
both shoulders, did the Chicken Dance up and down the hallway... then sat
and watched with bated breath as the install process finished.

At the sign of my thumb being thrust triumphantly into the air, the
resounding cheer of the neighbors who had gathered outside my window in
transfixed curiosity of what the peach fuzz I was up to now, was a very
uplifting sound of confidence. That it also set off all the car alarms in
the neighborhood, and, daddy's African Shrinking Violet is now only a mere
shadow of itself....is a small price compared to the feel of success.

Tuna salad.., on rye/with seeds, and a Clausens Kosher dill...and 2 Tums for
desert. Yep..the rewards of success... ;-)))

Steve Rindsberg

Okay..for those of you who may still be wondering, here how I found the
winning Megazoolie Trifacta ticket, after *numerous* losses. After
troubleshooting and uninstalling, then reinstalling, then overhauling, and
U-hauling almost non-stop, and finally grabbing a few hours sleep to clear
the cobwebs...

What? You got to sleep? I didn't get to sleep through alla that. Sheesh.
NOW she tells me.

IAC, the short version is:

Upgrade install very evil. Don't do it. Don't think of doing it. Don't
consider thinking of doing it while you contemplate purchasing the software.
Just. Don't.

Brian Reilly, MS MVP

Didn't stop me (g). Upgraded a new lappie from XP Home to Win2003
Server since Win2000 Server would install. And got all the drivers but
two as well. But got those off the web. And all better now. (g)
Brian Reilly, PowerPoint MVP

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