hh:mm to mm:ss



I have scanned a telephone account which shows the duration of a call as
min:sec (eg.15:35). Using an OCR program I have imported this data into
Excel which picks the time up as hh:mm format. is there anyway to get Excel
to read it as minutes and seconds instead of hours and minutes without going
thru every record and adding a 0: (to hold the hour place)???



Arvi Laanemets


Enter the number 60 into some free cell and copy it.
Select the range with your data, and then PasteSpecial>Multiply. OK.
Format rhe range as "mm:ss".
Don't forget to scrap the number 60 entered before.


Thanks for this. Have tried it out on some dummy data at home and when I get
to work tomorrow I think it'll do the trick. And I guess by putting the [ ]
around the mm on the format, I can get it to show a sum over 59 minutes as
well!! Awesome!

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