'Hidden' Address Book?



This is making me crazy: If I reply to an email that has been sent to m
by someone who is not in my Contacts, their email address seems t
automatically get saved into an address book somewhere, but I can'
find it.

I have auto complete set, so when I start a new message to 'Mark', th
one I have in my contacts comes up as well as the one who is not in m
contacts, but who has sent me a message that I've repiled to.

Where do I have to go to find this list of addresses, how do I get ri
of them, and how do I prevent this from happening?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Always begin a question by posting your Outlook version so we at least know
where to start.


-Now- you tell me...

I'm running Outlook 2002 (SP-1)

Russ said:
*Always begin a question by posting your Outlook version so we at
least know
where to start.
Russ Valentine
Muskoka said:
This is making me crazy: If I reply to an email that has been sent to me
by someone who is not in my Contacts, their email address seems to
automatically get saved into an address book somewhere, but I can't
find it.

I have auto complete set, so when I start a new message to 'Mark', the
one I have in my contacts comes up as well as the one who is not in my
contacts, but who has sent me a message that I've repiled to.

Where do I have to go to find this list of addresses, how do I get rid
of them, and how do I prevent this from happening?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Remove individual addresses from the autocompletion cache by highlighting
the entry when presented in the suggested names list (use your arrow key to
migrate to the entry) and then hitting your Delete key before you tab out of
the field. To clear the entire cache, follow the instructions here:

Russ Valentine
Muskoka said:
-Now- you tell me...

I'm running Outlook 2002 (SP-1)

Russ said:
*Always begin a question by posting your Outlook version so we at
least know
where to start.


Thanks Russ, but that only partially helps me. Where the deleting th
highlighted address before tabbing out of the To: line works, clearin
the cache does not: I am running XP (Home) & that link does no
include any instructions to clear the cache under XP (I tried i
anyway, but the search came up with no hits for any *.NK2 files).

Obviously if there is the one address I did know about, there are goin
to be more; perhaps many more.

I have tried to navigate my way around MS' support site, but it get
frustrating in fairly short order.

Any further assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

It's all there. Windows XP is the same kernel as NT. Did you enable
searching for hidden files?

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