Hidden adressees (Bcc) revealed by Outlook and my ISP???


Dave Neve


I once asked a question if adressees in the Bcc box could be traced as
incoming mail has to go thru a company server and router.

People answered 'no' but I have just had the following experience.

This morning, I received an email adressed just to me as far as I could

I replied to the sender and two minutes later, I received a message from my
French ISP that two of my addressees had not received my reply.

The two people in question do not figure in the 'to' box, nor in the 'Cc'

So they must have been in the 'Bcc' box (Elementary, My Dear Watson)

Has anyone else had this before and going back to my first question last
year, can a company trace incoming messages even if they have been sent Bcc?


Dave Neve

William Lefkovics [MVP]

Replying to the sender does not carry BCC addresses. Maybe the reply-to
address was a distribution list?

Quite possibly What do you mean by 'trace'? I mean servers have to process
a BCC address. They do a DNS query for the domain name, find the server,
connect and deliver the message. These are loggable events. There are also
servers that are not explicitly compliant with RFC in regards to BCC. The
BCC content is kept out of header information.

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