Hidden Columns in Shared Workbooks



We have noticed inconsistencies with respect to hidden columns for shared
workbooks. One of our office personnel cannot open a shared workbook without
all hidden columns changing to unhidden. The workbook has been saved with
hidden columns and opens as such for most users. If the user in question
opens the workbook, the columns are unhidden. If she hides the columns,
saves the workbook as unshared, closes the workbook, and reopens it, the
columns remain hidden. If however she hides the columns, saves the workbook
as shared, closes the workbook, and reopens it, the columns appear unhidden.
The other two users of this shared workbook do not have this problem. All
users are running Offce Excel 2003. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Sorry, not a solution, but I'm having similar problems with a shared
workbook & hidden columns in XL 2K.
Some users open the workbook and the column remains hidden, others open it
and the column shows?
Not much of a problem for me as there's only one hidden column which is a
helper column containing only 0s, 1s, 2s and 3s.
I can probably get rid of it by adjusting the dependant formulae.
Still, it can be annoying, especially where it pushes other columns off the
screen and you have to scroll to see them.


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