Hi Jay
Thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay in mine. In
the meantime I have discovered a bit more about
this 'thing'. This started as an article in a local
magazine which talked about material that Word documents
carry around with them that most people don't know about --
personal infomation and revisions and maybe other stuff.
I know about the personal information but the other
material referred to was of great interest since document
discovery (in a legal sense) is germane to my business and
I am keen to understand the inner workings so that I can
know what I'm giving to someone electronically.
The "getting at it' was wondering if there is some
function in VB that deletes whatever it is.
Anyway in the meantime I found this site:
http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/strikeout/ which gives some
examples of retained material that later come back to
haunt the author. From looking at this it appears that
the 'hidden material' is/are copies of the document stored
a versions. If the "Save version on close" option is on
copies are saved and they pile up and perhaps for many
people this is something happens without their knowledge
(system admin turns it on) and they're not even aware that
the stuff is there when they send it out as an attachment
to an email.
I think that probably the limit of it. Not so sinister
after all.