hidden email ?



Have an outllok 2003 pst file thats 250mb.
When Outlook is opened there are no emails,
how can this be when the pst file is 250mb ?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Could it be non-mail items (contacts, etc) or possibly just the space left
from items that were deleted?


cheers for replying. that could be the answer,
i know i deleted the local pst file and browsed to
the correct pst file but i got two 'personal folders'
so deleted duplicated folders. Maybe they were not
duplicated ? So I suppose I'll have to dig-out a
backup and start Outlook from fresh.
What files should I delete so that when
Outlook is started it asks me if I would like to config
an email account.

Brian Tillman

tim said:
cheers for replying. that could be the answer,
i know i deleted the local pst file and browsed to
the correct pst file but i got two 'personal folders'
so deleted duplicated folders. Maybe they were not
duplicated ? So I suppose I'll have to dig-out a
backup and start Outlook from fresh.
What files should I delete so that when
Outlook is started it asks me if I would like to config
an email account.

I'd just start with a new mail profile. Control Panel>Mail>Show

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