hidden sheets



Is it possible to hide the worksheets within a workbook, and still have the
workbook calculate formulas based off of the hidden worksheets. The reason i
ask is i have alot of information within the spreadsheet that i do not really
need at this time, and i would like to hide it so that it makes it easier to
navigate through the workbook.


How can i accomplish this?

Mike H said:

Yes you can still read values from hidden sheets and use those values in a
calculation and you can write to hidden sheets with code.


Dave Peterson

If you're writing a macro, there are not many things that you do that need to
have the sheet visible.

Dim myCell as range
set mycell = worksheets("hidden").range("A1")

if isnumeric(mycell.value) then
mycell.value = mycell.value + 1
end if

This kind of code won't care.

And if you're doing some calculations, you can use a formula like:


And the formula won't care if that sheet named Hidden is visible or not.

And in xl2003 menus, I can hide a sheet by:
Selecting the sheet(s)

And unhide them the same way
(a single sheet at a time)

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