Hidden text activated by hyperlinks (you know, like in Office Help pages)



I have recently installed Office XP (WOrd, Excel, etc..)
on my machine, and have been browsing the associated help
pages to get to grip with it. I like the way Microsoft
have included "Keywords" as hyperlinks and when you click
on them the show further descriptive text (the green
text). Is there any way for a home user to do this within
their own personal documents (patch download/upgrade for
example), or is this restricted to the realms of the
developers of MS Office?
Can any one help?

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi James,

This would require some VBA (macros), although not
necessarily a lot of really fancy code.

Word doesn't have the dynamic HTML functionality that's
caught your fancy. You'd have to do something like
formatting the text with a specific style, and changing the
"hidden" font formatting. (There would be other ways, but
that's the simplest I can think of as far as the coding
would go.)
I have recently installed Office XP (WOrd, Excel, etc..)
on my machine, and have been browsing the associated help
pages to get to grip with it. I like the way Microsoft
have included "Keywords" as hyperlinks and when you click
on them the show further descriptive text (the green
text). Is there any way for a home user to do this within
their own personal documents (patch download/upgrade for
example), or is this restricted to the realms of the
developers of MS Office?
Can any one help?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan
24 2003)

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