hidden top row??


JR Hester

Excel Xp on Win XP

I am working with series of worksheets prepared by an indivuidual no longer
with our organization, so I can't ask.

It appears that the top 3 rows have been hidden, because the top row of
appearing on each sheet was/is row #4. I also positioned IP into cell A4 and
used uparrow, which indicated I was in cell A3, A2, A1 respectively each time
I pressed the uparrow key. Also during this time, although I could not see
teh actual rows onscreen, the contents of these cells displayed in the
formula bar.

I need to unhide these rows so that I can delete them. I need to import data
from these spreadsheets into an Access database, and need my 4th row(
contains field names) to be top row( #1). I can't find a way to select rows
1, 2 and 3. There has to be a trick for selecting these top 3 rows that I
have not discovered.

Who can light my torch so I can see these hidden rows. Thanks in advance
for your fantastic assistance.

Ron Coderre

It sounds like the panes may be frozen....

From the Excel Main Menu:
Select: Window
.....If there's an UNFREEZE panes option....Select it.

Does that help?


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)


another method
in the box above the row numbers and to the left of the column headers type
in 1;3
edit delete will delete the rows

JR Hester

Thanks, I had tried the Select ALL option and then Unhide before. But I
amalways willing to retry.
Did Select All with Ctrl +A the Format>Row>unhide. I still have row number 3
as topmost row and am unable to display rows 1 to 3.

Thanks for teh suggestion

JR Hester

Well Blow me down. I would NEVER have thought of that one. In case I want to
do that sometime how do you frezze panes to PREVENT rows from displaying? I
have always used Freeze panes to force rows or columns to always be dispalyed.

That was absolutely teh right answer

JR Hester

I could not enter anything in the area above row numbers and left of column
headers. and placing 1;3 or 1:3 in teh range namebox simply returned an
invalid range name notice.

Ron solved it with panes unfreeze.

Thanks to all who responded


What you've experienced is what many do to save screen real estate, when
they might have large letter heads or logos at the top of their sheets.

You attain this by scrolling your sheet up, far enough to get the logo off
the screen.
Say you did this, and now have A10 in the top, left most screen position.

Select A11, and freeze panes.
This locks out the logo from appearing when you hit <Ctrl> <Home>, or scroll
up without having to pay any attention to what you're doing.

One of the benefits of this, is that when you go to print, your logo will
still print.

If you hid your rows, you wouldn't be able to print them without going
through an "unhide" first.

Of course, you can do the same thing by scrolling right, and moving columns
off the screen before invoking Freeze panes.

When you described that you could see the cell contents of the undisplayed
rows in the formula bar, that's an indication of what is happening, since
hidden rows wouldn't display in the formula bar at all.

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