Hidden Window



My users choose a menu item that starts FormB which is a popup, modal form.
My users click on a button on FormB and I issue

DoCmd.OpenForm "FormC", acNormal, , , , acHidden, "sales_calls"

which is supposed to open FormC and pass the calling program name to FormC
(sales_calls)...all of this works as designed as FormC reads the openargs and
starts its processing. However, FormC is not hidden, it is visible behind
FormB (which is popup, modal)...why isn't the acHidden keeping FormC from
showing up behind FormB? I've also tried acIcon with the same results...

Thanks in advance for your help!


I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do, but will toss something in here
since nobody else has. Why do you need FormC if it is to be hidden anyhow?
Since a pop-up, modal form stays on top and retains the focus until it is
closed, I'm not sure how much other processing can occur. I'm not saying it
can't, I'm saying that I don't know, as I have never tried. My experience
in general is that an object or control needs to have the focus (and be
visible) before it can do much.
However, if I am mistaken about this, and if FormC can do what it needs to
behind the modal form, check Help for MoveSize.

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