Hide a row based on a cel value




I am looking for a scirpt or function that would allow to hide a row based
on a cel value. I looked at some sample macros but not knowledgeable enough
to customize those macros and therefore get an error message. Thanks for any

I am creating a small project status report. Each row is an action item. As

# Area Task Action Item Owner %Complete
1 Tech Specs Review specs AL 50%
2 Tech Specs Complete p.4 BH <25%


The %Complete column uses a vailidation list with %100, 50%, <25% values.
All I need is an automatic functions that hides for each a row (=an action
item) if the %complete value is equal to %100.

I am not a macro expert, so I tried some other technics using functions but

thanks in advance for any advise.



Don Guillett

Here is one I did for someone on another group today.

Sub HideRowsPrint()
vlr = Cells(Rows.Count, "d").End(xlUp).Row
With Range(Cells(13, "D"), Cells(vlr, "D"))
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>0"
End With
End Sub

Sub HideRowsPrint()
vlr = Cells(Rows.Count, "e").End(xlUp).Row
With Range(Cells(1, "e"), Cells(vlr, "e"))
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1"
End With
End Sub

Bernard Liengme

Let's say that row 1 has "# Area Task ....)
That the first record is in row 2 using cells A2:
Use a helper column;
In G1 enter the text Show
In G2 enter =IF(F2=100%,"N", "Y") and copy down the column by double
clicking G2's fill handle (little solid square in lower right of active
Now you have Y's and N's
Select all the data including top row and helper column; Use Data:Filter:
Now you can have rows with only Y in the SHOW column visible
best wishes


THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP ! I decided to use the help colum technic....easy
to use.

One recitifcation on the forumla, it should be: =IF(F2="100%","N", "Y") as
I stored percentage in text in order to allow ranges like: <50% or 70%-85%.

thanks a lot !

Don Guillett

The helper column is just not needed. Just use data>filter>autofilter>

or this macro

Sub HideRowsPrint()
vlr = Cells(Rows.Count, "e").End(xlUp).Row
With Range(Cells(1, "e"), Cells(vlr, "e"))
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>100%"
End With
End Sub

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