Are you setting Geometry1.NoShow = True to go invisible?
A nice technique is to use formula referencing, after adding a user cell:
User.Hide = True
Geometry1.NoShow = User.Hide
Geometry2.NoShow = User.Hide
Geometry3.NoShow = User.Hide
Or, you can turn off the line and fill patterns:
User.Hide = 0 or 1
FillPattern = Guard(User.Hide)
LinePattern = Guard(User.Hide)
Using Guard will keep the user from destroying your smarts by applying line
and fill formatting from the dialogs and toolbars.
Hope this helps,
Chris Roth
Visio MVP
Blackend said:
Howcome when i add the geometry table, and set the Geometry1.NoShow the
spaes are not hidden - they stay visible.
Is there another way for doing this (all shapes with one setting) ? -
except hiding every shape in the group