Hide bottom status bar? Where is my standard toolbar?



I am a new user (3 days) and, in general, I like WORD. It does a lot but it wants to put stuff I don't want on my screen. I already found out that I have to live with the "Docoment Elements" menu. Now, I want to hide the Status menu on the bottom. The frustrating thing is I think I did it once and can't remember what I did!

My other problem is that checking or unchecking the standard toolbar does nothing. I had that yesterday and it let me change the zoom to 125. I figured out how to do that a different way but I would like to get that toolbar back if possible. What happens if I delete normal.dotx ?

PAGES is still in the running but WORD does more.


Daiya Mitchell

Hi Bea,

You can hide the Status Bar via Word | Preferences | View. There's a box
to uncheck (I always turn mine off too).

There is a little lozenge, like a tic-tac lying the long way, in the
upper right corner of a document window. That collapses all toolbars
that are in the document window--try clicking it to uncollapse them
(make sure the Standard toolbar is checked to see a change).

If that's not it, I'm not sure what you mean....


Thanks Dalya. You were right on both solutions. Is there a user's manual hidden on the DVD? Or do I just dive in and hope :)


Daiya Mitchell

Dive in and hope, and don't be shy to ask questions. The Help program is
a bit sad at the moment, and there's no manual.

That lozenge is a very tricky thing--it's an Apple design, so most
programs use it, so losing your toolbars can happen in any program, and
it's completely mystifying when it does. I only remembered that because
someone else mentioned it recently.

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