Hide Cell Content if no data in previous columns



I've made this work many years ago but now can't remember
how. I have a job invoice to where the rate is
40.00/hour. This 40.00 is used in calculation to
determine the total amount of pay owed. (20 hours worked
* 40.00/hour). The boss requires that the hourly rate be
shown for each job on the invoice, so that means it is in
a column to where the amount is repeated all the way
down. All I want is for the contents of that particular
column NOT to show (show as blank), if no job has been
entered. In other words, if there is no data entered on
that particular row, hide the contents of the cell the
hourly rate is shown in. Does anybody know how to do
this? Thanks!

Dave O

Try this one: suppose the hourly rate cell is in cell C10. Suppose the
job description cell is B10. One way to do this is enter this formula
in C10:

This enters a blank value if B10 is blank, and populates it with 40 if
the job is filled in. Does that do it?


very confusing.
some relevent date would have been helpful but i'll get
out the dart board.....
assuming that the rate in in column D and some type of job
id is in column A.....


Well, that almost works and would if the hourly rate
(C10) were not part of a calculation itself. Here's what
I've got basically:

JobName HoursWorked HourlyRate Subtotal Total

Consider those Columns A, B, C, D, E and then rows 1, 2,

Cell C1 would show 40.00 only IF columns A or B are
empty. If empty it should show blank. Your formula works
for that. However, Cell D1 is =C1*b1, so now, unless I
have something in Cell C1(the hourly rate)I get #VALUE!
in the subtotal and total fields.

If I then add a number of hours in cell B1, it posts the
40.00 in C1, then calculates D1 and E1 correctly.

If I don't use the IF statement and just put the 40.00
in, it calculates that fine, except then I have to fill
the series all the way to the bottom, so it shows the
40.00 on every row without other input.

Actually, this worksheet is a lot more complicated than
that, but that is the basics of what I'm trying to
accomplish at this point.

In yet another cell (in a hidden column) I have this
formula: =roundup(C1/60,2)*b1 to get the actual per
minute rounded up (which at the rate of 40.00 would
be .67/minute).

In addition to that, the actual amount that should appear
in C1 (the hourly rate) actually comes from a link in
another worksheet, since we use a 2nd sheet to customize
the invoice per employee and different employees are paid
different rates.

Ugh...complicated a bit, I know, but I know I can somehow
make this work.

Thanks for your help!


Alright, thanks for the input everybody, but I have the
answer. =IF(C1=0,0,40.00)

(Well basically, the 40.00 actually comes from a link in
another sheet). Anyway, if I use the zeroes in the
formula rather than the " ", everything works perfectly!

Thanks again!

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