Hi Folks,
I'm trying to use the following VBA code to verify a list of server's DNS
record. Although the results are correct, the command shell window always
appears. Is any way to completely hide it? TIA.
Function MyNslookupExe(ByRef fstrFQDN As String, ByRef fstrRealIP As String,
fstrCmd As String)
' The function is to receive nslookup result.
Dim WSH, wExec
Dim Result As String
Dim tmp
fstrFQDN = ""
fstrRealIP = ""
Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set wExec = WSH.Exec(fstrCmd)
Result = wExec.StdOut.ReadAll
tmp = Split(Result, vbCrLf)
If tmp(3) <> "" And Left(tmp(3), 4) = strName Then
fstrFQDN = LCase(Trim(Right(tmp(3), Len(tmp(3)) - Len(strName) - 1)))
fstrRealIP = LCase(Trim(Right(tmp(4), Len(tmp(4)) - Len(strAddress)
- 1)))
End If
Set wExec = Nothing
Set WSH = Nothing
End Function
I'm trying to use the following VBA code to verify a list of server's DNS
record. Although the results are correct, the command shell window always
appears. Is any way to completely hide it? TIA.
Function MyNslookupExe(ByRef fstrFQDN As String, ByRef fstrRealIP As String,
fstrCmd As String)
' The function is to receive nslookup result.
Dim WSH, wExec
Dim Result As String
Dim tmp
fstrFQDN = ""
fstrRealIP = ""
Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set wExec = WSH.Exec(fstrCmd)
Result = wExec.StdOut.ReadAll
tmp = Split(Result, vbCrLf)
If tmp(3) <> "" And Left(tmp(3), 4) = strName Then
fstrFQDN = LCase(Trim(Right(tmp(3), Len(tmp(3)) - Len(strName) - 1)))
fstrRealIP = LCase(Trim(Right(tmp(4), Len(tmp(4)) - Len(strAddress)
- 1)))
End If
Set wExec = Nothing
Set WSH = Nothing
End Function