Is there any way to hide, or remove completed projects from the Resource
Availability report? We have projects where every task and the project as a
whole is 100% and the project range ended last month. In the Availability
Report, the resources who worked on the project, but completed all of their
tasks still have the projects listed, with 0 hours across the board. As we
continue to use this system, that list is going to get longer and longer,
which will make reading the details of each resource burdonsome. We could be
missing some proceedure of closing a project, but I have not found a
solution. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Availability report? We have projects where every task and the project as a
whole is 100% and the project range ended last month. In the Availability
Report, the resources who worked on the project, but completed all of their
tasks still have the projects listed, with 0 hours across the board. As we
continue to use this system, that list is going to get longer and longer,
which will make reading the details of each resource burdonsome. We could be
missing some proceedure of closing a project, but I have not found a
solution. Any help is greatly appreciated!