Hide #div/0 Error When Averaging



Hello. I'm stuck once again, and I've come to the greatest place on the
web to seek help! I've learned so much from asking questions and also
reading what others are learning to do.

I'm working on a sheet where:

G5 is a percentage (D5-E5)/F5
L5 is a percentage (I5-J5)/K5
Q5 is a percentage (N5-O5)/P5

When I average G5, L5, Q5, (to place results in R5), I get the #DIV/0
error until I get a figure into either G, L, or Q. I have been working
with =IF(ISERROR to try and hide it, but I keep getting stuck with the
"" in the middle of the formula.

What I was writing is:

Where have I gone wrong? :confused:


Harlan Grove

Biff said:
Another way:


Why should the average of -2, 5 and -3 display as ""?

Never do more work than necessary. Replace SUM with COUNT.

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