I think I see what you're saying, that you might have 2
sub-contract-line-item-numbers (SCLINs) for one item, maybe because the
funds come from more than one account. But to give you a more specific
answer, I'd like to see a specific example. (But please be sure to
sanitize the stuff -- I don't want to see any sensitive information that
might affect some procurement process!!!)
Instead of a screen shot, could you display the relevant results in
Datasheet View, select the displayed records, copy the contents to the
Clipboard, and paste them into your message? That would be easier for
me (and, I expect, others) to use in constructing an answer than a
screen shot would be.
If it's a Report that you're describing, perhaps you could run the
underlying Select Query for the Report, and also describe what the
Sorting & Grouping criteria are on that Report. (Tools --> Analyze -->
Documenter can do that, but it produces way more information than is
usually necessary.)
-- Vincent Johns <
[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.