Hide Duplicates in XP



--- History
I was using Hide Duplicates in Access 97 to hide all but
the initial LastName in Access 97 on WindowsNT. It worked
great. But when I migrated the code to Access 2002 on a
Windows XP machine, it no longer worked. The duplicate
criteria now seems to span multiple fields.

--- What I want!
If I have a 4 column report - column 1 is LastName and the
primary sort field and column 4 is first name. A report
showing the 4 smith guys should look like this.

LastName xxx yyy FirstName
-------- --- --- ---------
Smith ABS 123 Anthony
ABJ 123 John
ABJ 234 John
ABS 378 Smitty

--- Problem
LastName has HideDuplicates property set to YES
Everything else has Hide Duplicates property set to NO
Report is Sorted/Grouped by LastName, xxx,yyy but shows up
as follows:

LastName xxx yyy FirstName
-------- --- --- ---------
Smith ABS 123 Anthony
Smith ABJ 123 John
ABJ 234 John
Smith ABS 378 Smitty

FirstName is not even specified on in the Sort/Group list,
yet it seems to be LastName & FirstName combined that
determine whether or not LastName should be hidden.
Since the help for HideDuplicates specifies issues when
using grouping. I specified another field named
LastName2. I sorted by LastName2, but still used LastName
to specifiy HideDuplicates = Yes. I saw no difference.

Does anyone have any ideas what may be happening? My only
option at this point is to reinstall Access 2002. Thanx in


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