Hide Formula



I would like to know how to hide the formula & when a user copies the cell
get only the result (just like what past special does).


Just select the cells for which you want to protect and do right
click>>Format Cells>>Protection>>Tick Both Locked & Hidden Check boxes and
give ok. By clicking locked will make the cell not accessible and by giving
Hidden the Formula’s which you have used cannot be viewed.

Unlock all the cells which ever you want the people to have access as
mentioned below:

To unlock the cells Select the Columns Or Cells that needs to have the
Editing option and do right click>>Format Cells>>Protection>>Uncheck Both the
Locked & Hidden Check
boxes and give ok.

Now Protect the worksheet with a password

Tools>>Protection>> Click Protect Sheet OR press Alt+T+P+P and Provide your
desired password Twice and give ok.

Keep in mind that now the worksheet is getting protected and the locked
cells cannot be accessed by the users unless the worksheet is Unprotected.
To unprotect the worksheet place the cursor in Protected worksheet and select
Tools>>Protection>>Unprotect sheet with your password and give ok. Or
Alt+T+P+P and enter your password and give ok.

Remember to Click Yes, if this post helps!


(I went there before) See, when I protect the sheet a user can see the result
(of the formula) but can't copy it because it is protected , when I remove
the protection the user will have access on the formula (which I don’t want

In short, I want the user to view the result of the formula & copy the
result, only the result without the formula.
I appreciate your support.


A possible solution:
Set the cell up as Ms-Exl-Learner suggests lets say A1 then before
preotecting the sheet in say B1 enter the formula =A1. Make sure B1 has
protection removed. Format the font in A1 the same colour as the cell
background to hide the contents.
Now protect the sheet
Your user can now see the results of the calculation, copy it and only see
the calculation as =A1
Hope this helps


You people are mind reader :), I’m using this method but still I want the
user to have the result so he can work with if he needs.

I got an Email with Excel sheet which calculates your age & have some other
interesting functions, I don’t have the promotion to see the sheet’s formulas
still I can copy the result without any access to the formula. So it is
possible, but how?


While protecting your worksheet
Tools>>Protection>> Protect Sheet (OR) After pressing press Alt+T+P+P
You will get a protect sheet dialog box in that Under the heading “Allow all
Users of this Worksheet to:†CHECK the “Select Locked Cells†and “Select
Unlocked cells†and UNCHECK all the remaining check boxes and give your
desired password twice and give ok.. Now the users can able to see the cell
values and they can able to copy the cell values only.


Now it works, thanks a loooooot Ms-Exl-Learner, thank you for your Patience &
support, what a great mother you will be

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