Hide .ldb




Using Access ’03…

I have a hidden mde that resides in my user’s respective folder.

The folder is not hidden, only the file.

Everything works fine, but the when the user opens the mde, the ldb is
not hidden…you would think the ldb would take on the particular trait
of the mde.

The mde is copied from one drive to another with an executable file.
Is there anyway to set the mde attributes so that the respective ldb
is also hidden when it opens?

A potential workaround I suppose is to place the mde in a hidden
folder, but I’m not sure how to programmatically do that and would
like to avoid it if I could.


Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:40:49 -0700 (PDT), alex <[email protected]>

No, the ldb cannot take on the traits of the mde.

The hidden folder sounds like a really good idea. With some googling
(or binging) you should be able to find code to set a folder to be
hidden (set the hidden attribute of the folder).

Microsoft Access MVP


No, the  ldb cannot take on the traits of the mde.

The hidden folder sounds like a really good idea. With some googling
(or binging) you should be able to find code to set a folder to be
hidden (set the hidden attribute of the folder).

Microsoft Access MVP

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Thanks Tom for the advice!

David W. Fenton

The hidden folder sounds like a really good idea. With some
googling (or binging) you should be able to find code to set a
folder to be hidden (set the hidden attribute of the folder).

On a server, just add $ to the name of the share, and it will be
hidden from the users.

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