Michelle Mc.
Word 2003: About a week ago, margin "marks" appeared in each corner of my
Word documents, where the horizontal margins and the vertical margins begin /
end. I type pretty fast and I must have hit an odd combination of keys to
cause these to pop up. Each time I open a new document they're there. Can
anyone tell me how to get rid of these marks? They look like this in the
upper corners: _| |_ and like this in the lower corners: _| |_ .
I can't figure out what they are called, so the Help section is useless. We
even re-installed Word, but they're still there. Any ideas?? Thanks.
Word documents, where the horizontal margins and the vertical margins begin /
end. I type pretty fast and I must have hit an odd combination of keys to
cause these to pop up. Each time I open a new document they're there. Can
anyone tell me how to get rid of these marks? They look like this in the
upper corners: _| |_ and like this in the lower corners: _| |_ .
I can't figure out what they are called, so the Help section is useless. We
even re-installed Word, but they're still there. Any ideas?? Thanks.