Hide Multiple Controls


Rhonda Floyd

In a report, is there a way to Hide multiple controls that are Zero?

I have over 100 fields on a report that could be 0 that I would like to show as blank when 0 otherwise print the number.

I'm using Access 97.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Marshall Barton

Rhonda said:
In a report, is there a way to Hide multiple controls that are Zero?

I have over 100 fields on a report that could be 0 that I would like to show as blank when 0 otherwise print the number.

I'm using Access 97.

The simplest approach is to set the text box's Format
property to a custom format. E.g. for currency values, it
might be:

Check Format Property in Help for details.

Kelvin Lu



for the textbox in the report. If the report is based on a query, I would set this in the query.

In a report, is there a way to Hide multiple controls that are Zero?

I have over 100 fields on a report that could be 0 that I would like to show as blank when 0 otherwise print the number.

I'm using Access 97.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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