Hide optional section via code (jscript od vbscript)



Thanks, but the conditional formatting is not good for my task.

In the form I have a buttton that automatically send the form via email.
Before sending the email, I need to automatically hide the optional section.

Thank You,


This is exactly what I ask:
What is the code that hide the optional section?
Can you please send me the code sample that hide the optional section?

Thank You,

Greg Collins said:
Change your button to use code instead. Then in your code you can hide the section, and then submit the email.

Greg Collins [InfoPath MVP]
Please visit: http://www.InfoPathDev.com

Thanks, but the conditional formatting is not good for my task.

In the form I have a buttton that automatically send the form via email.
Before sending the email, I need to automatically hide the optional section.

Thank You,

Greg Collins said:
Use xdExtension:MyFunctionName() as your conditonal formatting condition. Set the action to hide.

Then in your code, the function MyFunctionName() returns a boolean value. True = hide, False = show.

Greg Collins [InfoPath MVP]
Please visit: http://www.InfoPathDev.com


How do I hide optional section via Jscript or VBScript?

Thank You,

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