Hide Progress bar in Chart.Export




I have a Excel Workbook which has 2 Worksheets. One work sheet has dat
and the 2nd worksheet has a graph based on the data. I have a Macr
which connects to the datasource, updates the data in the 1st workshee
and further saves the graph on worksheet in to a GIF image in the fil
system. I do that using:

Sheet2.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export Filename:="c:\AutoChart.gif"

But this opens a small progress bar which shows the progress bar fo
generating the GIF image.

Now, i want to automate this process of calling the Macro from a VB Ap
and schedule it using Autosys/SQLAgent/Windows Scheduler so tha
without opening any GUI, the graphs should be generated on a dail

Now, How to Hide the Progress Bar????



Tushar Mehta

Have you tested it with Autosys/SQLAgent/Windows Scheduler? Does it
really not work?

Consider turning off display alerts with Application.DisplayAlerts.
This property turns off certain alerts, though not all. Dunno if the
one of interest to you is covered by it.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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