Thanks for the quick reply! That is what I got already. I just didn't know
if there was a setting somewhere to turn off that particular error
But I am having a conditional formatting issue though. I want Columns(Q:S)
to have a background color of red if the value is greater than 70%. The
problem is, if the cell is blank it turns red anyway. Is this because it has
a formula in it?
Here is the formula I have in the Columns:
Col. Q =IF(ISERROR(P3*24/N3),"",P3*24/N3)
Col. R =IF(ISERROR(M3/N3),"",M3/N3)
Col. S =IF(ISERROR(Q3+R3),"",Q3+R3)
For Example, (Col. Q) if P3 and N3 is blank Q3 show red, Why?