Hide the Form's Title Bar - A07



I am unable to find a previous post on this.

I have a small form (2.5" x 1.5") with two date fields and a button. I
cannot remove the TitleBar from the form.

Things I've tried:
- Removed Control Button
- Removed Min & Max Buttons
- Tried "None" for BorderStyle
- Tried "Dialog" for BorderStyle
- Tried "Thin" for BorderStyle
- Typed a space in the Caption field

Another post for A00 said to "No" the buttons, BorderStyle = "None" and
Caption = " " (space) All that gives me is an empty title bar.

Thanks for your help!


Clif McIrvin said:
Hi TraciAnn :)

A search on Google Groups for access title bar


Clif, this link lead to a variety of discussions, of which most were
regarding removing the Access Title Bar for applications. The discussions
that did reference Form Title Bars told the user to do what I have already
tried and stated in the original post.

These links went to the correct question but the only answer given I have
already tried. Also, allot of code was given but this was in direct response
to a challenge stated by Brendan who said you can't remove borders from
queries. Terry responded with the code to show that it can be done.

Again, I have tried all the tips that I could find in threads but I had
already adjusted the properties every which way I could think. None of them

Which leaves the unanswered question. Can you hide/remove the Title Bar (not
just the title) from a Form?

Clif McIrvin


I thought the post by Terry Kreft in my link to the
comp.databases.ms-access thread was specifically about removing the
title bar in a form.

That was a long link ... maybe it was broken.

Try this: http://tinyurl.com/chvuma
http://groups.google.com/group/comp...bfa/c832826aaf1ca2cc?q=access+title+bar--Clif"TraciAnn" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:[email protected]...> "Clif McIrvin" wrote:>>> Hi TraciAnn :)>>>> A search on Google Groups for access title bar>>>> http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=access+title+bar>> Clif, this link lead to a variety of discussions, of which most were> regarding removing the Access Title Bar for applications. Thediscussions> that did reference Form Title Bars told the user to do what I havealready> tried and stated in the original post.>>>>> turned up this hit (among others)>>http://groups.google.com/group/comp...d0d552bfa/c832826aaf1ca2cc?q=access+title+bar>>>> (short link: http://tinyurl.com/cx5tln )>> These links went to the correct question but the only answer given Ihave> already tried. Also, allot of code was given but this was in directresponse> to a challenge stated by Brendan who said you can't remove bordersfrom> queries. Terry responded with the code to show that it can be done.>> Again, I have tried all the tips that I could find in threads but Ihad> already adjusted the properties every which way I could think. None ofthem> worked.>> Which leaves the unanswered question. Can you hide/remove the TitleBar (not> just the title) from a Form?>> ---> TraciAnn--Clif

Clif McIrvin


<egg on face>

Oops --- I just noticed that I didn't read all your reply the first
time, TraciAnn.

You obviously read the referenced thread more carefully that I did.

(Looking at your post again, I see that you were clearly responding
"inline" and I simply missed it.)

</egg on face>


My only recollection of previous discussion of this topic is that "it's
not easy."

I believe that if you really, really wanted to remove the title bar of
your form you could investigate learning the API calls to modify the
actual Operating System Window that contains the form ... which looks to
be wht Terry was doing.

A while back I spent most of a Saturday investigating how to position
the Office Assistant balloon with respect to a form -- as I recall, the
position arguments used by the assistant balloon are relative to the
application window user area --- long story short; I gave up because it
was definately not a trivial task and it simply didn't seem to be worth
the effort.

All that to say ... I believe I can dig up some of those API links if
you're interested in them.

Also -- Using the assistant balloon instead of your form might be an
option to investigate. If you're interested in that approach start a new
thread & I'll share what I've learned about working with the assistant

Albert D. Kallal

TraciAnn said:
I am unable to find a previous post on this.

I have a small form (2.5" x 1.5") with two date fields and a button. I
cannot remove the TitleBar from the form.

Things I've tried:
- Removed Control Button
- Removed Min & Max Buttons
- Tried "None" for BorderStyle
- Tried "Dialog" for BorderStyle
- Tried "Thin" for BorderStyle
- Typed a space in the Caption field

If you using tabbed forms, then no, the tab always shows.

However, if you use overlapping windows, then setting the border = none does
hide the forms title bar.

Are you able to use overlapping windows option?



The link worked. Since I am not savy enough to understand the code, I was
going by the (English) dialogue between the two tech's.

After closer examination of the VBA, I could tell it is designed to
eliminate the border but, when I cut and paste the code into the form's code,
it locks up the app. I'm obviously doing something wrong.

On another note, is MS Discussions having problems?

Yesterday and today I am unable to view most of the posts. Normally when I
try to navigate to previous pages I get a "System is unavailable at this
time" message. Other times, either the message area is blank or the message
string wont expand. I've tried to reply to this specific post several times
but when I click on "Reply" I get the "System is unavailable" message too.

Just wondering if you were experiencing the same thing because I've been
having a time of it.

Clif McIrvin said:

I thought the post by Terry Kreft in my link to the
comp.databases.ms-access thread was specifically about removing the
title bar in a form.

That was a long link ... maybe it was broken.

Try this: http://tinyurl.com/chvuma
http://groups.google.com/group/comp...bfa/c832826aaf1ca2cc?q=access+title+bar--Clif"TraciAnn" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:[email protected]...> "Clif McIrvin" wrote:>>> Hi TraciAnn :)>>>> A search on Google Groups for access title bar>>>> http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=access+title+bar>> Clif, this link lead to a variety of discussions, of which most were> regarding removing the Access Title Bar for applications. Thediscussions> that did reference Form Title Bars told the user to do what I havealready> tried and stated in the original post.>>>>> turned up this hit (among others)>>http://groups.google.com/group/comp...d0d552bfa/c832826aaf1ca2cc?q=access+title+bar>>>> (short link: http://tinyurl.com/cx5tln )>> These links went to the correct question but the only answer given Ihave> already tried. Also, allot of
code was given but this was in directresponse> to a challenge stated by Brendan who said you can't remove bordersfrom> queries. Terry responded with the code to show that it can be done.>> Again, I have tried all the tips that I could find in threads but Ihad> already adjusted the properties every which way I could think. None ofthem> worked.>> Which leaves the unanswered question. Can you hide/remove the TitleBar (not> just the title) from a Form?>> ---> TraciAnn--Clif

Clif McIrvin


There are frequent problems with the MS Discussions web interface
reported here ... I never see them, as I access the newsgroup the
traditional way, from UseNet.

I'm using Outlook Express to read this newsgroup ... Thunderbird for
other forums. Since OE will not run on Vista (from what I understand)
you might wish to look at Thunderbird or other free newsreaders.

When I first visited any newsgroup I simply clicked on the newsgroup
link in Internet Explorer and the initial setup was pretty much
automatic .... of course, I've adjusted settings as I've become more
familiar with how things work.

This link should take you to the newsgroup in whatever default
newsreader is on your computer ... generally Outlook Express if you're
not running Vista:


You can also use the Google Groups interface to microsoft.public.access
if you prefer.

I prefer using a newsreader to a web interface.

Clif McIrvin

TraciAnn; that link should be:


Nicholas Scarpinato

Hello TraciAnn and Clif. I'm not 100% sure on this, but take a look at this
image and let me know if this is along the lines of what you're looking for:


If this is what you're wanting to do, you're very close to being on the
right track Traci. You may be undoing your form's settings inadvertantly by
the way you open it.

In case you may have overlooked this, if you want to remove the title bar,
you need to open the form in it's normal mode. You can't open the form in
Dialog mode, it will automatically add the title bar back to the form even if
the form's BorderStyle is set to None. (Usually this happens if you open the
form from a line of code, e.g. 'DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName",,,,,acDialog'.
Forcing the form to open in Dialog mode will override the form's border

Keeping that in mind, to open a form without any title bar, use these

Border Style = None
Control Box = None
MinMaxButtons = None
Close Button = None

The Caption setting can be left blank, or it can be filled in, or whatever
you want to do. It doesn't matter in the slightest.

I know this sounds like what you've already heard, but I have multiple
databases I've designed with my own custom themes and title bars. (Truthfully
they're not title bars, they're actually Form Headers made to function as
such, but they can be clicked and dragged just as a normal form title bar
would be.) If you're interested in seeing an example, shoot me an email at
(e-mail address removed) and I'll send you a link where you can download a
sample database that uses these techniques. (I'd post the link here but I
don't have any samples online at present.)


Nicholas Scarpinato

P.S. Sorry for the late reply, I actually posted a reply on the 19th but the
site I was on didn't add it to the MS newsgroup.

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