hide, unhide column or row after protect worksheet



Hi everyone,

I go to tool-protect worksheet-enter password and my worksheet is protected.
However, I can't hide or unhide columns or rows afterward. The thing is the
worksheet contains several formulas and I don't want to mess them up after I
enter data into input cell. Plus, I don't want to repeat the same step that
unprotect sheet-hide/unhide rows and columns-protect sheet again. Does anyone
know how to hide or under columns/rows after protect the worksheet with
Please help.

Thanks much,


The steps you outline would normally return a dialog box wanting you to
select a Data Source, etc.......assuming you go through all that properly and
still get the same Error message/hang, it's probably because the source
cannot be found, nor that you do not have approved access to it from that

Vaya con dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Sorry.......I responded to the wrong post.......the proper response to YOUR
post would be that you cannot hide/unhide columns or rows on a protected
worksheet. You MUST first unportect, then do your deeds, then re-protect.
This can of course be done by pushbutton with VBA code......otherwise, manual
is the only way.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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