I'd bet this is a simple error and I'm just not seeing the bug but, if
anyone out there can help it'd be really appreciated!
Here it is:
I have a macro that essentially hides rows given that a certain cell
in a declared array has a zero value. Also, the macro is able to
decide if the current state of the spreadsheet is in the "hidden" or
"unhidden" state and take the appropriate action to reverse it's
current state by clicking an ActiveX command button. I'm getting a
"subscript out of range" error. Below is the code. The error is
highlighted with "%%%"
Dim sHideStatusCur, sSheetName
Private Sub HideButtonEstimate2_Click()
'## If cell listed has a value of 0 then entire row cell is contained
'## in will be hidden. If a row has been hidden, pressing the button
'## again will unhide all rows in the displayed sheet.
'## example: arrEvalRows("C3", "D4")
'## in the above statement, if C3 = 0, Row 3 will be hidden on button
'## in the above statement, if D4 = 0, Row 4 will be hidden on button
'## notes: be sure to use quotes to encapsulate row values.
Dim i, myCell, sHideStatusOld, sHideStatusCell
sSheetName = "Estimate2"
sHideStatusCell = "E29"
arrEvalRows = Array("E9", "E10", "E11", "E12", "E13", "E14", "E15",
"E21", "E22", "E23", "E24", "E25", "E26", "E27", "E28", "E29", "E30",
"E31", "E32", "E33", "E34", "E35", "E36", "E37", "E38", "E39", "E40",
"E41", "E42", "E45", "E46", "E47", "E54", "E55", "E56", "E57", "E58",
"E59", "E60", "E61", "E63", "E64", "E65", "E66", "E69", "E70", "E71",
"E72", "E73", "E74", "E75", "E76", "E79", "E80", "E81")
'## Determine hide/unhide toggle
sHideStatusOld = Worksheets("Calculation
If Len(sHideStatusOld) < 1 Then
Worksheets("Calculation Tab").Range(sHideStatusCell).Value = "HID"
sHideStatusCur = "HID"
ElseIf UCase(sHideStatusOld) = "HID" Then
Worksheets("Calculation Tab").Range(sHideStatusCell).Value =
sHideStatusCur = "UNHID"
ElseIf UCase(sHideStatusOld) = "UNHID" Then
Worksheets("Calculation Tab").Range(sHideStatusCell).Value = "HID"
sHideStatusCur = "HID"
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(arrEvalRows)
Call HideRows(arrEvalRows(i), sSheetName)
'## Custom function to evaluate Lycra column
'## 12/30/2002,
'## incorrect specfication.
'## functionality removed, added to standard hide function.
'Call HideRowsOR("E58", "F58", sSheetName)
End Sub
Function HideRows(myCell, ByVal sSheetName)
Dim myRow
Dim bHide
myRow = Right(myCell, (Len(myCell) - 1))
'MsgBox (myCell & " - " & myRow)
bHide = False 'Hid this round, or no?
%%% If Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell).Value = 0 Then %%%
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False) And
(sHideStatusCur = "HID") Then bHide = True
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True
End If
'UNHIDE if hidden
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True) And (bHide =
False) And (sHideStatusCur = "UNHID") Then
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False
End If
End Function
Function HideRowsOR(myCell, myCell2, ByVal sSheetName)
Dim myRow
Dim bHide
myRow = Right(myCell, (Len(myCell) - 1))
'MsgBox (myCell & " - " & myRow)
bHide = False 'Hid this round, or no?
bPreventHide = False
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell).Value > 0) Or
(Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell2).Value > 0) Then bPreventHide =
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell).Value = 0) Or
(Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell2).Value = 0) Then
If Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False Then bHide =
If bPreventHide = False And sHideStatusCur = "HID" Then
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True
End If
End If
'UNHIDE if hidden
If Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True And bHide = False
And bPreventHide = False And sHideStatusCur = "UNHID" Then
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False
End If
End Function
Function ResetRows(myCell, ByVal sSheetName)
Dim myRow
Dim bHide
myRow = Right(myCell, (Len(myCell) - 1))
'MsgBox ("sSheetName = " & sSheetName & vbCLRF & "myRow = " & myRow)
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False
End Function
anyone out there can help it'd be really appreciated!
Here it is:
I have a macro that essentially hides rows given that a certain cell
in a declared array has a zero value. Also, the macro is able to
decide if the current state of the spreadsheet is in the "hidden" or
"unhidden" state and take the appropriate action to reverse it's
current state by clicking an ActiveX command button. I'm getting a
"subscript out of range" error. Below is the code. The error is
highlighted with "%%%"
Dim sHideStatusCur, sSheetName
Private Sub HideButtonEstimate2_Click()
'## If cell listed has a value of 0 then entire row cell is contained
'## in will be hidden. If a row has been hidden, pressing the button
'## again will unhide all rows in the displayed sheet.
'## example: arrEvalRows("C3", "D4")
'## in the above statement, if C3 = 0, Row 3 will be hidden on button
'## in the above statement, if D4 = 0, Row 4 will be hidden on button
'## notes: be sure to use quotes to encapsulate row values.
Dim i, myCell, sHideStatusOld, sHideStatusCell
sSheetName = "Estimate2"
sHideStatusCell = "E29"
arrEvalRows = Array("E9", "E10", "E11", "E12", "E13", "E14", "E15",
"E21", "E22", "E23", "E24", "E25", "E26", "E27", "E28", "E29", "E30",
"E31", "E32", "E33", "E34", "E35", "E36", "E37", "E38", "E39", "E40",
"E41", "E42", "E45", "E46", "E47", "E54", "E55", "E56", "E57", "E58",
"E59", "E60", "E61", "E63", "E64", "E65", "E66", "E69", "E70", "E71",
"E72", "E73", "E74", "E75", "E76", "E79", "E80", "E81")
'## Determine hide/unhide toggle
sHideStatusOld = Worksheets("Calculation
If Len(sHideStatusOld) < 1 Then
Worksheets("Calculation Tab").Range(sHideStatusCell).Value = "HID"
sHideStatusCur = "HID"
ElseIf UCase(sHideStatusOld) = "HID" Then
Worksheets("Calculation Tab").Range(sHideStatusCell).Value =
sHideStatusCur = "UNHID"
ElseIf UCase(sHideStatusOld) = "UNHID" Then
Worksheets("Calculation Tab").Range(sHideStatusCell).Value = "HID"
sHideStatusCur = "HID"
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(arrEvalRows)
Call HideRows(arrEvalRows(i), sSheetName)
'## Custom function to evaluate Lycra column
'## 12/30/2002,
'## incorrect specfication.
'## functionality removed, added to standard hide function.
'Call HideRowsOR("E58", "F58", sSheetName)
End Sub
Function HideRows(myCell, ByVal sSheetName)
Dim myRow
Dim bHide
myRow = Right(myCell, (Len(myCell) - 1))
'MsgBox (myCell & " - " & myRow)
bHide = False 'Hid this round, or no?
%%% If Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell).Value = 0 Then %%%
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False) And
(sHideStatusCur = "HID") Then bHide = True
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True
End If
'UNHIDE if hidden
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True) And (bHide =
False) And (sHideStatusCur = "UNHID") Then
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False
End If
End Function
Function HideRowsOR(myCell, myCell2, ByVal sSheetName)
Dim myRow
Dim bHide
myRow = Right(myCell, (Len(myCell) - 1))
'MsgBox (myCell & " - " & myRow)
bHide = False 'Hid this round, or no?
bPreventHide = False
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell).Value > 0) Or
(Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell2).Value > 0) Then bPreventHide =
If (Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell).Value = 0) Or
(Worksheets(sSheetName).Range(myCell2).Value = 0) Then
If Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False Then bHide =
If bPreventHide = False And sHideStatusCur = "HID" Then
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True
End If
End If
'UNHIDE if hidden
If Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = True And bHide = False
And bPreventHide = False And sHideStatusCur = "UNHID" Then
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False
End If
End Function
Function ResetRows(myCell, ByVal sSheetName)
Dim myRow
Dim bHide
myRow = Right(myCell, (Len(myCell) - 1))
'MsgBox ("sSheetName = " & sSheetName & vbCLRF & "myRow = " & myRow)
Worksheets(sSheetName).Rows(myRow).Hidden = False
End Function