Hide X butten



Hi all,
I build a DB application which open with a form and the user enter data.
I need to hide the access X butten (not the form X butten) so the user will
not be able to exit the application without using my buttens.

Is it possible?


Jeff Conrad

Hi Tom,

I use these techniques and they work great.
Take your pick based on version.

ACC: How to Disable the Close Button (X) on the Access
Application Window (95/97)

ACC2000: How to Disable the Close Button (X) on the Access
Application Window

ACC2002: How to Disable the Close Button (X) on the Access
Application Window and the Exit Command on the File Menu

Alternatively, take a look here:


Hope that helps,

Dale Fye

Another way is to hide the Access window altogether. Makes your application
look much more professional and keeps prying eyes (most anyway) from messing
directly with your data, forms, queries, etc. Take a look at this api

This hides the Access window so all the user sees is your forms. A couple
of notes.

1. Read the warning on the page about error handlers. I normally put a hot
key combination on the form that runs the code that unhides the window.
2. In order for this to work, you actually have to set the modal and popup
properties of the form to Yes (I don't think that is very well documented.
3. Also in order for this to work, there has to be a form on screen before
you make the call to the api. I usually set the timerinterval of my splash
screen to about 2000 (2 seconds). Then I call the function in the Timer
Event and reset the timerinterval to zero.


Thank you Dale for your response - that can help me with a different app
that I work on.
Jeff, thank you, its working great.


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